『Darwinism and the Linguistic Image : Language, Race, and Natural Theology in the Nineteenth Century』

Stephen G. Alter

(1999年刊行, The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore, xvi+193 pp., ISBN:0801858828 [hbk])

ダーウィンと同時代の歴史言語学と比較文献学における「系統学的」方法について論じた本.とくに,当時の文献学・言語学ダーウィンに与えた影響について考察している.新刊で出たときに買おうとしたのだが,とても高価だった記憶がある.今回は Alibris 経由で安く買えた.

List of Illustrations ix
Preface and Acknowledgments xi

Prologue : Science as Indirect Discourse 1

1. Comparative Philology and Its Natural-Historical Imagery 7

The Indo-European Idea in Linguistics 8
Linguistic Themes in British Science 11

2. From the Early Notebooks to The Origin of Species 15

A Way to Put the Argument 15
The Unpublished Works 19
Analogies in the Origin 22
The Family Tree of Man 28

3. The Darwinian Circle and the Post-Origin Debates 35

The Linguistic Analogy and Victorian Ethnology 37
Lyell's Reconciliation with Darwin 43
Growth and Fragmentation 47
Max Müller's Equivocal Roles 51
Linguistic Natural Theology 56
A Broken Circle 64
A Truncated Image 69

4. The Convoluted Path to The Descent of Man 72

August Schleicher's “Darwinian” Linguistics 73
On the Origin of Languages and Dialects 79
An Indirect Debate 84
The Threat from Transcendentalist Morphology 96
An Analogic Zenith 99
The Question of Conscious Intent 105

5. A Convergence of “Scientific” Disciplines 108

The Schleicher-Haeckel Connection 109
Continuations of the Analogy 121
The Parallel Paths of Biology and Linguistics 123
Patterns of Tacit Congruence 134
Ramifications in the Human Sciences 140

Epilogue : Conjectural Genealogical Reconstruction, Antiquarian Aesthetics, and the Plausibility of Common Descent 146

Notes 149
Essay on Sources 185
Index 189