『Transantarctic Relationships and Their Significance, as Evidenced by Chironomid Midges : with a Monograph of the Subfamilies Podonominae and Aphroteniinae and the Austral Heptagyiae』

Lars Brundin

(1966年刊行,Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Fjärde Serien, Band 11, Nr. 1, Almqvist & Wiksell,Stockholm,472 pp. + 30 plates)

Preface 5
Introduction 7

I. Principles of phylogenetic systematics and phylogenetic reasoning 11

Population genetics and speciation 12
The theory of phylogenetic systematics, as advanced by Hennig 14
Principles of phylogenetic reasoning 22
The shortcomings of the typological method 29

II. Review of the problem of transantarctic relationships 46

Joseph Hooker 46
The opponents of Hooker 50
The adherents of Hooker 52
Conclusive evidence and how to reach it 55
P. J. Darlington, Jr. 61

III. The midges 65

Material, sampling localities and methods 65
Subfamily Podonominae 74
Subfamily Aphroteniinae 326
The austral Heptagyiae 359
General phylogenetic and evolutionary aspects 424

IV The nature of transantarctic relationships 437

Chironomid midges as indicators in austral biogeography 437
The evidence of the midges 440
The meaning of the phylogenetic connections and distribution patterns 449
The nature of the austral centre of evolution 450
Bipolarity and austral disjunctive distribution 455

V. General relevancy of the present studies 457

Refernces 464
Index to Chapter III 471
Plates [1-30]