『The Library at Night』

Alberto Manguel

(2008年3月17日刊行,Yale University Press,New Haven,viii+376 pp.,ISBN:9780300139143 [hbk] → 目次版元ページ




Sometimes the shade of the writer and that of his library mingle long before his death. For many years, until he left to die in Geneva in 1986, Borges lived in Buenos Aires among books he could no longer see, since blindness had overtaken him in his fifties. (p. 184)


Instead, they'd discover[sic] this modest apartment where books occupied a discreet, orderly place. When the young Mario Vargas Llosa visited Borges sometime in the mid-fifties, he remarked on the spartan surroundings and asked why the master didn't live in a more bookish, more luxurious home. Borges took great offence at this remark. “Maybe that's how they do things in Lima,” he said to the indiscreet Peruvian, “but here in Buenos Aires we don't like to show off.” (p. 185)


These few bookcases, however, were Borges's pride. “I'll tell you a secret,” he once explained. “I like to pretend I'm not blind, and I covet books like a man who can see. I even covet new encyclopedias, and imagine I can follow the course of rivers in their maps and find wonderful things in the various entries.” (pp. 185-6)

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