『Classification and Evolution in Biology, Linguistics and the History of Science: Concepts – Methods – Visualization』

Heiner Fangerau, Hans Geisler, Thorsten Halling and William Martin (Hrsg.)

(2013年11月刊行,Franz Steiner Verlag[Kulturanamnesen: Band 5], Stuttgart, 198 pp., ISBN:9783515104609 [pbk] / ISBN:9783515105897 [E-Book] → 版元ページ | E-Book pdf [open access])

電子本はフリー・ダウンロードできる.本論文集はウルム大学で進められていたプロジェクト(2012年終了)の報告書に相当するものらしい.生物学と言語学については先行研究があるが,科学史における適用可能性を論じている点がおもしろい.「この本,おもしろそう」とつぶやいたら,間髪入れずに書評依頼が届いたので,二つ返事で引き受けてしまった.そのうち(今年中に) Medical History 誌(→ home)に掲載されることになるだろう.まずはがんばって読まないと.

Foreword 7

1. Networks and evolution in the history of science 9

Heiner Fangerau
Evolution of knowledge from a network perspective: recognition as a selective factor in the history of science 11
Hanne Andersen
Bridging disciplines. Conceptual development in interdisciplinary groups 33
Matthis Krischel, Heiner Fangerau
Historical network analysis can be used to construct a social network of 19th-century evolutionists 45
Thierry Hoquet
Translating natural selection: true concept, but false term? 67
Frank Kressing
The mapping of human biological and linguistic diversity: a bridge between the sciences and humanitie 97

2. Phylogenetic classifications and network approaches in linguistics and biology 109

Hans Geisler and Johann-Mattis List
Do languages grow on trees? The tree metaphor in the history of linguistics 111
George Starostin
Lexicostatistics as a basis for language classification: increasing the pros, reducing the cons 125
Jelena Prokić and John Nerbonne
Analyzing Dialects Biologically 147
Shijulal Nelson-Sathi, Ovidiu Popa, Johann-Mattis List, Hans Geisler, William F. Martin and Tal Dagan
Reconstructing the lateral component of language history and genome evolution using network approaches 163
Philippe Lopez, Johann-Mattis List, Eric Bapteste
A preliminary case for exploratory networks in biology and linguistics: the phonetic network of Chinese words as a case-study 181

Authors 197