『The Philosophy of Biology』

Michael Ruse
(1973年刊行, Hutchinson[Hutchinson University Library — Philosophy], London, 231 pp., ISBN:0091152216

コピーしかもっていなかったので,思い立って原本をゲット.ルース先生の “若書き” である.

Acknowledgements 7

1. Introduction 9
2. Mendelian Genetics 12
3. Population Genetics 32
4. The Theory of Evolution. I: The Structure 47
5. The Theory of Evolution. II: Explanation 69
6. The Theory of Evolution. III: Evidence 96
7. Taxonomy I 122
8. Taxonomy II 154
9. The Problem of Teleology 174
10. Biology and the Physical Science 197

Postscript 218
Bibliography 219
Index 225