『Statistical Inference as Severe Testing: How to Get Beyond the Statistics Wars』目次

Deborah G. Mayo
(2018年9月刊行,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, xvi+486 pp., ISBN:978-1-107-05413-4 [hbk] → 版元ページ

メイヨーさんの統計学本はどれも “破壊力” がありそうで. ハードカバー版をあえて買ったのはいざというときに投げr(やめなさい

Preface xi
Acknowledgments xv

Excursion 1. How to Tell What's True about Statistical Inference

Tour I. Beyond probabilism and performance 3
Tour II. Error probing tools vs. logics of evidence 30

Excursion 2. Taboos of Induction and Falsification

Tour I. Induction and confirmation 59
Tour II. Falsification, pseudoscience, induction 75

Excursion 3. Statistical Tests and Scientific Inference

Tour I. Ingenious and severe tests 119
Tour II. It's the methods, stupid 164
Tour III. Capability and severity: deeper concepts 189

Excursion 4. Objectivity and Auditing

Tour I. The myth of 'the myth of objectivity' 221
Tour II. Rejection fallacies: whose exaggerating what? 239
Tour III. Auditing: biasing selection effects and randomization 267
Tour IV. More auditing: objectivity and model checking 296

Excursion 5. Power and Severity

Tour I. Power: pre-data and post-data 323
Tour II. How not to corrupt power 353
Tour III. Deconstructing the N-P vs. Fisher debates 371

Excursion 6. (Probabilist) Foundations Lost, (Probative) Foundations Found

Tour I. What ever happened to Bayesian foundations? 395
Tour II. Pragmatic and error statistical Bayesians 424

Souvenirs 445
References 446
Index 471