Kevin McCain and Kostas Kampourakis (eds.)
(2019年6月刊行, Routledge, New York, xiv+313 pp., ISBN:978-1-138-57015-3 [pbk] → 版元ページ)
List of Contributors viii
Preface [Kevin McCain and Kostas Kampourakis] xiii
Part I: How is scientific knowledge generated? 1
1. How many scientists does it take to have knowledge? [Jeroen de Ridder] 32. What attitude should scientists have? Good academic practice as a precondition for the production of knowledge [Thomas A.C. Reydon] 18
3. How do medical researchers make causal inferences? [Olaf Dammann, Ted Poston, and Paul Thagard] 33
4. How do explanations lead to scientific knowledge? [Kevin McCain] 52
5. What is scientific understanding and how can it be achieved? [Henk W. de Regt and Christoph Baumberger] 66
Part II: What is the nature of scientific knowledge? 83
6. What are scientific concepts? [Theodore Arabatzis] 857. How can we tell science from pseudoscience? [Stephen Law] 100
8. How do we know that 2+2=4? [Carrie S.I. Jenkins] 117
9. Is scientific knowledge special? Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose [Richard Fumerton] 132
10. Can scientific knowledge by measured by numbers? [Hanne Andersen] 144
Part III: Does bias affect our access to scientific knowledge? 161
11. Why do logically incompatible beliefs seem psychologically compatible? Science, pseudoscience, religion, and superstition [Andrew Shtulman and Andrew Young] 16312. Do our intuitions mislead us? The role of human bias in scientific inquiry [Susan A. Gelman and Kristan A. Marchak] 179
13. Can scientific knowledge sift the wheat from the tares? A brief history of bias (and fears about bias) in science [Erik L. Peterson] 195
14. What grounds do we have for the validity of scientific findings? The new worries about science [Janet A. Kourany] 212
15. Is science really value free and objective? From objectivity to scientific integrity [Matthew J. Brown] 226
Part IV: Is scientific knowledge limited? 243
16. Should we trust what our scientific theories say? [Dana Tulodziecki and Martin Curd] 24517. What are the limits of scientific explanation? [Sara Gottlieb and Tania Lombrozo] 260
18. Should we accept scientism? The argument from self-referential incoherence [Rik Peels] 274
19. How are the uncertainties in scientific knowledge represented in the public sphere? The genetics of intelligence as a case study [Kostas Kampourakis] 288
Index 306