『The Art of Tracking: The Origin of Science』

Louis Liebenberg
(1990年刊行, David Philip Publishers, Claremont, Cape Town, South Africa, x+176 pp., ISBN:0864861311pdf [open access]|情報|著者サイト〈Tracking Science〉)

Introduction V

Part I: The Evolution of Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence 1

1 Hominid Evolution 3
2 The Evolution of Hominid Subsistence 11
3 The Evolution of Tracking 29
4 The Origin of Science and Art 41

Part II: Hunter-Gatherers of the Kalahari 49

5 Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence 51
6 Scientific Knowledge of Spoor and Animal Behaviour 69
7 Non-scientific Aspects of Hunting 93

Part llI: The Fundamentals of Tracking 99

8 Principles of Tracking 101
9 Classification of Signs 111
10 Spoor Interpretation 121
11 Scientific Research Programmes 153

References 167
Index 173