『Evolutionary Genetics: Concepts and Case Studies』

Charles W. Fox and Jason B. Wolf (eds.)

(2006年4月27日刊行,Oxford University Press, ISBN:0195168186



1. Principles of Evolutionary Genetics

1. From Mendel to molecules: A brief history of evolutionary genetics — Michael R. Dietrich (Dartmouth College)
2. Genetic variation — Marta Wayne and Michael M. Miyamoto (University of Florida)
Box 2.1. Maternal effects — Timothy A. Mousseau (University of South Carolina)
3. Mutation — David Houle (Florida State University) and Alexey Kondrashov (NIH)
4. Natural selection — Mike Wade (Indiana University)
Box 4.1. Defining and measuring fitness — Daphne Fairbairn (University of California at Riverside)
5. Stochastic processes in evolution — John H. Gillespie (University of California, Davis)
Box 5.1. The probability of extinction of an allele
Box 5.2. Mutational landscape model
6. Genetics and evolution in structured populations — Charles Goodnight (University of Vermont)
Box 6.1. Epistasis and the conversion of genetic variances — Jason B. Wolf (University of Manchester)

2. Molecular Evolution

7. Detecting selection at the molecular level — Michael Nachman (University of Arizona)
8. Rates of molecular evolution — Francisco Rodriguez-Trelles (Instituto de Investigaciones Agrobiologicas de Galicia), Rosa Tarrio (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) and Francisco J. Ayala (University of California at Irvine)
Box 8.1. Timing evolutionary events with a molecular clock
Box 8.2. Testing the hypothesis of the molecular clock
9. Weak selection on non-coding gene features — Ying Chen (University of Chicago) and Wolfgang Stephan (University of Munich)
10. Evolution of eukaryotic genome structure — Dmitri Petrov (Stanford University) and Jonathan F. Wendel (Iowa State University)
11. New genes, new functions: Gene family evolution and phylogenetics — Joe Thornton (University of Oregon)
12. Gene genealogies — Noah Rosenberg
Box 12.1. Horizontal inheritance

3. From Genotype to Phenotype

13. Gene function and molecular evolution — Simon Lovell (University of Manchester)
Box 13.1. The role of gene interaction networks in evolution — Steve Proulx (University of Oregon)
14. Evolution of multidomain proteins — Laszlo Patthy (Biological Research center, Budapest)
15. Evolutionary developmental biology — David L. Stern (Princeton University)
Box 15.1. Hox genes
Box 15.2. Functional assays in non-model organisms
16. Canalization — Mark L. Siegal (Stanford University) and Aviv Bergman (Stanford University)
Box 16.1. Computational modeling of the evolution of gene regulatory networks
17. Evolutionary epigenetics — Eva Jablonka (Tel Aviv University) and Marion J. Lamb (Tel-Aviv University)

4. Quantitative Genetics and Selection

18. Evolutionary quantitative genetics — Derek Roff (University of California, Riverside)
Box 18.1. Individual fitness surfaces and multivariate selection — Jason B. Wolf (University of Manchester)
19. Genetic architecture of quantitative variation — James Cheverud (Washington University)
Box 19.1. Genotypic Values: Additivity, dominance and epistasis
Box 19.2. Genic Values and Genetic Variances
Box 19.3. How to Perform A QTL Analysis
Box 19.4. Evolutionary morphometrics — Christian Peter Klingenberg (University of Manchester)
Box 19.5. Modularity — Jason Mezey (University of California at Davis)
20. Evolution of genetic variance-covariance structure — Patrick C. Phillips (University of Oregon) and Katrina L. McGuigan (University of Oregon)
Box 20.1. What is a covariance?
Box 20.2. Pleiotropic effects
Box 20.3. Evolution of the G matrix
21. Genotype-environment interactions and evolution — Samuel Scheiner (US National Science Foundation)
22. Genetics of sexual selection — Allen J. Moore and Patricia J. Moore (University of Manchester, UK)
23. Social selection — Steven A. Frank (University of California)

5. Genetics of Speciation

24. Patterns and processes of speciation: The evolution of reproductive isolating barriers — Norman Johnson (University of Massachusetts)
Box 24.1. Species concepts — James Mallet (University College, London)
25. Genetics of reproductive isolation and species differences in model organisms — Pawel Michalak & Mohamed A. F. Noor (Louisiana State University)
Box 25.1. The Dobzhansky-Muller model
26. Natural hybridization — Michael L. Arnold (University of Georgia) & John M. Burke (Vanderbilt University)
Box 26.1. Potential Outcomes of Natural Hybridization
27. Population bottlenecks and founder effects — Lisa Marie Meffert (Rice University)
Box 27.1. Models on the shifts in selection pressures experienced by bottlenecked populations
28. Theory of phylogenetic estimation — Ashley N. Egan and Keith A. Crandall (Brigham Young University)
Box 28.1. Philosophical and methodological differences in phylogenetics

6. Evolutionary Genetics in Action

29. Evolutionary genetics of host-parasite interactions — Paula X. Kover (University of Manchester)
Box. 29.1. Arabidopsis as a model organism in evolutionary genetics — Kentaro Shimizu (North Carolina State University) and Michael D. Purugganan (North Carolina State University)
Box 29.2. The coevolutionary consequences of tolerance versus resistance
Box 29.3. Evolution of virulence
30. The evolutionary genetics of senescence — Daniel E. L. Promislow (University of Georgia) and Anne Bronikowski (Iowa State University)
Box 30.1. Demography of an age-structured population
Box 30.2. Drosophila as a model organism in evolutionary biology — Jeffrey R. Powell (Yale University)
31. Experimental evolution — Adam K. Chippindale (Queen’s University)
Box 31.1. E. coli as a model organism in evolutionary genetics — Richard E. Lenski (Michigan State University)
32. Evolutionary conservation genetics — Richard Frankham (Macquarie University)