『D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson: The Scholar-Naturalist 1860 - 1948』

Ruth D'Arcy Thompson

(1958年刊行,Oxford Univeristy Press, London, xii+244 pp.)

大垣への往復移動の間に D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson の伝記を読み始めた.ダーシーの娘による父の伝記.ダーシーは北欧ヴァイキングの末裔だそうで,祖先たちは「海に生きる一族」とのこと.イングランドではなく,スコットランドを活動の拠点としたのは当然のことかも.それにしても,幼少のみぎりから「変わっていた」だったようで,後年はナチス共産主義が大好きな人だったというからよほどの奇人変人だったんだろうなあ.去年から今年にかけて「D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson」名で復刻版が何冊か出ている.しかし,変人の息子とその父がミドルネームまで含めて「完全一致」というレアケースなので,名前に釣られて購入するととても痛い目に遭う.父親もまた古典文学の先生だった.

Foreword - vii
List of Illustrations - xi

I. Background and Beginning - 1

 The Thompsons of Maryport
 Joseph Gamgee - the Father of the Veternary Profession
 Childhood and Early Influences, 1860

II. The Edinburgh Academy: 1870 - 20

 Dr. Clyde's Class

III. The University of Edinburgh: 1878 - 30

 Medicine or Science?

IV. Trinity College, Cambridge: 1880 - 45

 Natural Science

V. University College, Dundee: 1884 - 66

 The Young Professor

VI. The Behring Sea Commision: 1896-7 - 99

VII. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: 1902 - 124

 The Fishery Board for Scotland
 Marriage, 1901

VIII. On Growth and Form: 1917 - 153

 Historia Animalium, 1910
 British Association in Dundee, 1912
 Lectures between 1912 and 1919
 Fellow of the Royal Society, 1916

IX. The University of St. Andrews: 1917 - 165

 Home Life

X. Recognition - 186

 Writings, Travels, Lectures between 1918 and 1939
 President of the Classical Association of Great Britain, 1929
 President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1934
 Jubilee as Professor, 1934
 Hon. Degrees: Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Trinity College, Dublin, 1933-4
 Lowell Lectures: Second Edition of The Glossary of Greek Birds, 1936

XI. Last Years - 204

 Knighthood, 1937
 Second Edition of On Growth and Form, 1942
 Medals: Linnean 1938, Daniel Giraud Elliott 1942, Darwin 1976, Hon. Degree: D. C. L.
 The Glossary of Greek Fishes, 1947
 The End of a Long Life, 1948

Epilogue - 217

Postscript: Growth and Form by P. B. Medawar - 219


 I. List of Principal Publications of D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson - 234
 II. Genealogical Table - 236
 III. D. C. L. Oration - 237

Index - 240