『Modern Morphometrics in Physical Anthropology』

Denice E. Slice (ed.)

(2005年,Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, ISBN:0306486970


Dedication to Leslie F. Marcus (1930-2002) v
Preface (Dennis E. Slice) vii
Contributors xix

1. Modern Morphometrics (Dennis E. Slice) 1

Part 1: Theory and Methods 47

2. After Landmarks (Fred L. Bookstein) 49
3. Semilandmarks in Three Dimensions (Philipp Gunz, Philipp Mitteroecker, and Fred L. Bookstein) 73
4. An Alternative Approach to Space Curve Analysis Using the Example of the Neanderthal Occipital Bun (David Paul Reddy, Katerina Harvati, and Johann Kim) 99
5. Correcting for the Effect of Orientation in Geometric Morphometric Studies of Side : View Images of Human Heads (Waleed Gharaibeh) 117
6. Fourier Descriptors, Procrustes Superimposition, and Data Dimensionality: An Example of Cranial Shape Analysis in Modern Human Populations (Michel Baylac and Martin Frieß) 145
7. Problems with Landmark-Based Morphometrics for Fractal Outlines: The Case of Frontal Sinus Ontogeny (Hermann Prossinger) 167
8. An Invariant Approach to the Study of Fluctuating Asymmetry: Developmental Instability in a Mouse Model for Down Syndrome (Joan T. Richtmeier, Theodore M. Cole III, and Subhash R. Lele) 187

Part 2: Applications 213

9. Comparison of Coordinate and Craniometric Data for Biological Distance Studies (Ashley H. McKeown and Richard L. Jantz) 215
10. Assessing Craniofacial Secular Change in American Blacks and Whites using Geometric Morphometry (Daniel J. Wescott and Richard L. Jantz) 231
11. Secular Trends in Craniofacial Asymmetry Studied by Geometric Morphometry and Generalized Procrustes Methods (Erin H. Kimmerle and Richard L. Jantz) 247
12. The Morphological Integration of the Hominoid Skull: A Partial Least Squares and PC Analysis with Implications for European Middle Pleistocene Mandibular Variation (Markus Bastir, Antonio Rosas, and H. David Sheets) 265
13. A Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Late Pleistocene Human Metacarpal 1 Base Shape (Wesley Allan Niewoehner) 285
14. A Geometric Morphometric Assessment of the Relationship between Scapular Variation and Locomotion in African Apes (Andrea B. Taylor and Dennis E. Slice) 299
15. Functional Shape Variation in the Cercopithecine Masticatory Complex (Michelle Singleton) 319
16. A Geometric Morphometric Assessment of the Hominoid Supraorbital Region: Affinities of the Eurasian Miocene Hominoids Dryopithecus, Graecopithecus, and Sivapithecus (Kieran P. McNulty) 349

Index 375