Juan A. Barcelo and Igor Bogdanovic (eds.)
(2015年6月刊行, CRC Press, Boca Raton, xiv+514pp., ISBN:9781482226812 [hbk] → 版元ページ)
Foreword (James E. Doran) v
Preface (Juan A. Barcelo and Igor Bogdanovic) ix
1. Measuring, Counting and Explaining: An Introduction to Mathematics in Archaeology (Juan A. Barceló et al.) 3
2. A Short History of the Beginnings of Mathematics in Archaeology (François Djindjian) 65
3. The Formal Logical Foundations of Archaeological Ontologies (Franco Niccolucci et al.) 86
4. Statistical Reasoning and Archaeological Theorizing: The Double-Bind Problem (Dwight Read) 100
5. Social Network Analysis for Sharing and Understanding Archaeology (Luciana Bordoni) 123
The Mathematics of Ancient Artifacts
6. Shape Analysis and Geometric Modelling (Martin Kampel and Sebastian Zambanin) 137
7. Curvature-Based Method for the Morphometric Analysis of Archaeological Shapes (Michael L. Merrill) 157
8. Logratio Analysis in Archaeometry: Principles and Methods (Josep A. Martín-Fernández et al.) 178
9. An Introduction to Clustering with Applications to Archaeometry (Hans-Joachim Mucha et al.) 190
10. Archaeological Discriminant Applications of the Lubischew Test (José Antonio Esquivel et al.) 214
11. Phylogenetic Systematics (Michael J. O'Brien et al.) 225
12. Text Mining in Archaeology: Extracting Information from Archaeological Reports (Julian D. Richards et al.) 240
The Mathematics of Archaeological Time and Space
13. Time, Chronology and Classification (Franco Niccolucci and Sorin Hermon) 257
14. Baeysian Approaches to the Building of Archaeological Chronologies (Christopher Bronk Ramsey) 272
15. Modilling the Effects of Post-depositional Transformations of Artifact Assemblages using Markov Chains (Geoff Carver) 293
16. Time and Probabilistic Reasoning in Settlement Analysis (Enrico R. Crema) 314
17. Predictive Modeling and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN): From Model to Survey (Luca Deravignone et al.) 335
18. Spatial Cluster Detection in Archaeology: Current Theory and Practice (Benjamin Ducke) 352
19. Non-Euclidean Distances in Point Pattern Analysis: Anisotropic Measures for the Study of Settlement Networks in Heterogeneous Regions (Joan Ngre Pérez) 369
20. Lattice Theory to Discover Spatially Cohesive Sets of Artifacts (Michael Merrill) 383
Beyond Mathematics: Modelling Social Action in the Past
21. Gradient Adaptive Dynamics Describes Innovation and Resilience at the Society Scale (Carsten Lemmen) 405
22. Two-dimensional Models of Human Dispersals: Tracking Reaction-Diffusion Fronts on Heterogeneous Surfaces (Fabilo Silva and James Steele) 416
23. The Sustainability of Wealth among Nomads: An Agent-Based Approach (J. Daniel Rogers et al.) 431
24. Simulating the Emergence of Proto-Urban Centres in Ancient Southern Etruria (Federico Cessoni et al.) 449
25. The Probabilities of Prehistoric Events: A Baeysian Network Approach (Juan A. Barceló et al.) 464
26. Concluding Address: Ruminations on Mathematics and Archaeology (Keith W. Kintigh) 487
27. “Mathematics and Archaeology” Rediscovered (Michael Greenacre) 491
Index 501
Color Plate Section 507