『Biogeographica : Transactions of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, Vol. 3』


Vol. 3, no. 1 (March 1938)

Studies on the Fauna of the Ryukyu Islands
1) 岡田彌一郎「沖縄島の概況」(pp. 1-64)
2) Nagamich Kuroda「Mammals collected in the Islands Okinawa and Yayeyama in the Ryukyu Islands」(pp. 65-69)
3) Yaichiro Okada and Hyoji Ikeda「The freshwater fishes of Okinawa-zima」(pp. 71-86)
4) Sitihei Nomura「A note some fossiles from the Ryukyu Islands」(pp. 87-91)
5) 上野益三「沖縄島のセキ翅類及び蜉蝣類」(pp. 92-99)
6) Matsunae Tsuda「Zur Kenntnis der Trichoptera von Liukiu auf Grund des Materials der 1935 Liukiu-Expedition」(pp. 100-104)
7) Denzaburo Miyadi「Molluscan fauna of the limestone caves in Miyako-zima of the Ryukyu Islands I : Limnological features of the caves and their fauna」(pp. 105-109)
8) Syuiti Mori「Molluscan fauna of the limestone caves in Miyako-zima of the Ryukyu Islands II : Description of the two new molluscs, Cochliopopsis basiangulata n. g., n. sp. and Pisidium (Neopisidium) cavernicum n. sp.」(pp. 110-114)

Vol. 3, no. 2 (October 1939)

Studies on the Fauna of the Ryukyu Islands
1) Ryoichi Takahashi「A new species of the Aphididae from the islands of Looehoo (Hemiptera)」(pp. 115-117)
2) Karl W. Verhoeff「Diplopoden von der Ryukyu-Insel Okinawa」(pp. 118-122)
3) 高桑良興「沖縄諸島に於ける脣足類」(pp. 123-126)
4) 屋代弘孝「南大東島の昆蟲」(pp. 127-130)
5) Hyozi Ikeda「Notes on the fishes of the Riu-Kiu Islands III : A biometric study on the species of Kuhlidae in the Riu-Kiu Islands」(pp. 131-158)
6) Yaichiro Okada and Hyozi Ikeda「Notes on the Fishes of the Riu-Kiu Islands IV」(pp. 159-206)
7) 屋代弘孝「沖縄地方に於ける二三害蟲及益蟲の伝播経路に就て」(pp. 207-209)
8) Yaichiro Okada and Hyozi Ikeda「The freshwater fishes of Miyako-zima and adjacent island」(pp. 210-209)
9) Shigeyasu Tokunaga and Fuyuji Takai「A study of Metacervulus astylodon (Matsumoto) from the Ryukyu Island, Japan」(pp. 221-248)