Stephen H. Blackwell
(2009年刊行,The Ohio State University Press, Columbus, ISBN:9780814210994 [hbk] / ISBN:9780814252253 [pbk] → 版元ページ | pdf)
List of Illustrations ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction: Nabokov’s Science and Art 1
Chapter 1: Nabokov as a Scientist 21
Chapter 2: Nabokovian Science and Goethean Science 53
Chapter 3: Utility and Futility: Nabokov’s Biological Etudes 71
Chapter 4: Anti-Psychological 97
Chapter 5: Nabokov’s Physics: Particles, Waves, and Uncertainty 140
Chapter 6: Minding the Gap: Discontinuities in Nature, Art, and Science 167
Conclusion: Art, Science, and Ethics 184
Notes 203
Bibliography 252
Index 266