Mike Steel
(2016年刊行, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics[CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics: 89], Philadelphia, xvi+293 pp., ISBN:9781611974478 [pbk] → 版元ページ)
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
Commonly Used Symbols xiii
1. Phylogeny 1
2. Basic combinatorics of discrete phylogenies 15
3. Tree shape and random discrete phylogenies 41
4. Pulling trees apart and putting trees together 63
5. Phylogenies based on discrete characters 87
6. Continuous phylogenies and distance-based tree reconstruction 111
7. Evolution on a tree: Part one 147
8. Evolution on a tree: Part two 177
9. Evolution of trees 205
10. Introduction to phylogenetic networks 237
Bibliography 269
Index 291