『Inferring Phylogenies』

Joseph Felsenstein

(2004年,Sinauer Associates,ISBN:0878931775

統計学的系統学(statistical phylogenetics)の[早くも定番となりつつある]教科書.700ページ近くある分量を,典型的な日本的ペースに則って輪読やセミナーでやるとしたら,いったい何年かかるのか.書評や正誤表が載っているコンパニオン・サイトは必見(山ほど書評が出ていて,逐一 Felsenstein が“逆書評”している),そして文中に載っているデータセットダウンロード・サイトも役に立つだろう.


1. Parsimony methods

A simple example
Branch lengths
Unresolved questions

2. Counting evolutionary changes

The Fitch algorithm
Sankoff's algorithm

3. How many trees are there?

Rooted bifurcating trees
Unrooted bifurcating trees
Multifurcating trees
Tree shapes
Labelled histories

4. Finding the best tree by heuristic search

Nearest-neighbor interchanges
Subtree pruning and regrafting
Tree bisection and reconnection
Sequential addition
Star decomposition
Tree space
Search by reweighting of characters

5. Finding the best tree-branch and bound

A non-biological example
Branch and bound
Phylogenies: despair and hope
Branch and bound for parsimony
Improving the bound
Zharkikh's rules

6. Ancestral states and branch lengths

Reconstructing ancestral states
Branch lengths

7. Variants of parsimony

Camin-Sokal parsimony
Dollo parsimony
Polymorphism parsimony
Unknown ancestral states
Multiple states and binary coding
Dollo parsimony and multiple states
Polymorphism parsimony and multiple states
Weighting characters
Successive weighting and nonlinear weighting

8. Compatibility

Testing compatibility
The pairwise compatibility theorem
Cliques of compatible characters
Finding the tree from the clique
Other cases where cliques can be used
Where cliques cannot be used
Using compatibility on molecules anyway

9. Statistical properties of parsimony

Likelihood and parsimony
Consistency and parsimony
Some perspective

10. A digression on history and philosophy

How phylogeny algorithms developed
Different philosophical frameworks

11. Distance matrix methods

The least squares methods
The statistical rationale
Generalized least squares
The Jukes-Cantor model-an example
Why correct for multiple changes?
Minimum evolution
Clustering algorithms
UPGMA and least squares
Other approximate distance methods

12. Quartets of species

The four-point metric
The split decomposition
Short quartets methods
The Disk Covering Method
Challenges for the short quartets and DCM methods
Quartet puzzling and searching tree space
Consensus supertrees
De Soete's search method

13. Models of DNA evolution

Kimura's 2-parameter model
Calculation of the distance
The Tamura-Nei model, F84, and HKY
The general time-reversible model
The general 12-parameter model
LogDet distances
Rate variation between sites or loci

14. Models of protein evolution

Protein models

15. Restriction sites, RAPDs, and microsatellites

Restriction sites
Modelling restriction fragments
Microsatellite models

16. Likelihood methods

Maximum likelihood
An example
Computing the likelihood of a tree
Economizing on the computation
Handling ambiguity and error
Finding the maximum likelihood tree
Rates varying among sites
Models with clocks
Are ML estimates consistent?

17. Hadamard methods

The edge length spectrum and conjugate spectrum
The closest tree criterion
DNA models
Computational effort
Extensions of Hadamard methods

18. Bayesian inference of phylogenies

Bayes' theorem
Bayesian methods for phylogenies
Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods
Bayesian MCMC for phylogenies
Proposal distributions
Computing the likelihoods
Summarizing the posterior
Priors on trees
Controversies over Bayesian inference

19. Testing trees by likelihood

Likelihood ratios near asymptopia
Multiple parameters
Interval estimates
Testing assertions about parameters
The problem of multiple topologies
Testing the molecular clock
Simulation tests based on likelihood

20. Bootstrap and randomization tests

The bootstrap and the jackknife
Bootstrapping estimates of phylogenies
The delete-half jackknife
The bootstrap and jackknife for phylogenies
The multiple tests problem
Independence of characters
Identical distribution-a problem?
Invariant characters and resampling methods
Biases in bootstrap and jackknife probabilities
Parametric bootstrapping

21. Paired sites tests

Multiple trees

22. Invariants

Symmetry invariants
Three-species invariants
Lake's linear invariants
Cavender's quadratic invariants
Drolet and Sankoff's quadratic invariant
Clock invariants
General methods for finding invariants
Invariants and evolutionary rates
What use are invariants?

23. Continuous characters and gene frequencies

Brownian motion
Likelihood for a phylogeny
What likelihood to compute?
Multiple characters and Kronecker products
Pruning the likelihood
Maximizing the likelihood
Brownian motion and gene frequencies

24. Quantitative characters

Neutral models of quantitative characters
Changes due to natural selection
Correcting for correlations
Punctuational models
Inferring phylogenies and correlations
Chasing a common optimum
The character-coding "problem"
Continuous character parsimony methods
Threshold models

25. Comparative methods

An example with discrete states
An example with continuous characters
The contrasts method
Correlations between characters
Sampling error
The standard regression
Paired lineage tests
Discrete characters

26. Coalescent trees

Kingman's coalescent
Bugs in a box-an analogy
Effect of varying population size
Effect of recombination

27. Likelihood calculations on coalescents

The basic equation
Using accurate genealogies-a reverie
Two random sampling methods
Fu's method
Watterson's method

28. Alignment, gene families, and genomics

Parsimony method
Probabilistic models
Gene families
Comparative genomics

29. Coalescents and species trees

Methods of inferring the species phylogeny

30. Consensus trees and distances between trees

Consensus trees
A dismaying result
Distances between trees

31. Biogeography, hosts, and parasites

Component compatibility
Brooks parsimony
Event-based parsimony methods
Statistical inference

32. Phylogenies and paleontology

Fossils within species: sequential sampling
Between species

33. Tests based on tree shape

Using the topology only
Harding's probabilities of tree shapes
Tests from shapes
Tests using branch lengths
Work remaining

34. Drawing trees

35. Phylogeny software