『Let’s Talk about Trees: Genetic Relationships of Languages and Their Phylogenic Representation』全論文のオンライン公開

Ritsuko Kikusawa and Lawrence A. Reid (eds.)
(2018年3月16日刊行, Senri Ethnological Studies: 98. National Museum of Ethnology, Ōsaka, viii+176 pp., ISSN:0387-6004, ISBN:9784906962617版元ページ国立民族学博物館]|みんぱくリポジトリ

やっとブツが世に出たようだ.本論文集に所収された全論文はみんぱくリポジトリからダウンロード可能になる予定だが,現時点では表紙・目次・索引pdf)などを含めて一部分のみ.〈みんぱくリポジトリ〉でのオープンアクセス許諾を各著者から得た後にオンライン公開されるとのこと.ワタクシは:Nobuhiro Minaka 2018. Tree and Network in Systematics, Stemmatics, and Linguistics: Structural Model Selection in Phylogeny Reconstruction(pp. 9-24)という論文を寄稿している.



List of Figures i
List of Maps v
List of Plates vi
List of Tables vii
1. Kikusawa Ritsuko and Lawrence A. Reid
  Introduction [pdf] 1
2. Minaka Nobuhiro
  Tree and Network in Systematics, Stemmatics, and Linguistics: Structural Model Selection in Phylogeny Reconstruction [pdf] 9
3. Kimura Ryosuke
  Inferring Population Phylogeny from Genetic Data [pdf] 25
4. Søren Wichmann and Taraka Rama
  Jackknifing the Black Sheep: ASJP Classification Performance and Austronesian [pdf] 39
5. Siva Kalyan and Alexandre François
  Freeing the Comparative Method from the Tree Model: A Framework for Historical Glottometry [pdf] 59
6. Lawrence A. Reid
  Modeling the Linguistic Situation in the Philippines [pdf] 91
7. Weera Ostapirat
  Macrophyletic Trees of East Asian Languages Re-examined [pdf] 107
8. Yoshida Yutaka (translated by Kikusawa Ritsuko)
  The Family Tree Model and “Dead Dialects”: Eastern Middle Iranian Languages [pdf] 123
9. Kikusawa Ritsuko
  What the Tree Model Represents: Language Change, Time Depth, and Visual Representation [pdf] 153
Index 173