『Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Lachmann’s Method: A Non-Standard Handbook of Genealogical Textual Criticism in the Age of Post-Structuralism, Cladistics, and Copy-Text』目次

Paolo Trovato[Traduzione di Federico Poole]
(2017年4月刊行, Libreriauniversitaria.it edizioni[Storie e linguaggi: 7], Padova, 363 pp., ISBN:978-88-6292-860-1 [pbk] → 版元ページ


ラハマン法を核とする写本系統推定の方法については拙著『系統体系学の世界』の中でも言及した(pp. 299-307).ラハマン法は生物体系学で言う分岐学的方法(最節約法)と事実上同じであることは確かだ.また,ほぼ同時期に,みんぱくの英文誌にも関連論考を出したこともある:Nobuhiro Minaka 2018. Tree and network in systematics, philology, and linguistics – Structural model selection in phylogeny reconstruction. Senri Ethnological Studies, 98: 9-26. pdf [open access].


Foreword[Michael D. Reeve] 9
Preface 13
Acknowledgements 25
How to Use This Book 27
General Bibliography 31
Introduction 39

Part 1. Theories

1. “Lachmann's Method” 49
2. Bédier's Schism 77
3. A More In-depth Look at Some Essential Concepts 109
4. Hghs and Lows of Computer-assisted Stemmatics 179
5. The Criticism of Linguistic Features in Multiple-witness traditions 229
6. The ineluctability of critical Judgment (Choice of variants, conjecture) 243

Part 2. Practical Applications

7. A Simple Tradition. The Tractatus de locis et statu sancte terre jerosolimitane 275
8. A Tradition of average Difficulty. Jean Renart's Lai de l'ombre 289
9. A Very Complicated Tradition. Dante's Commedia 299

Coclusion 335
Preface to the Second Edition 341
General Index 347
List of Passages Discussed 363