『Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: Learning from Trees』目次

Luke J. Harmon
(2018年9月刊行, Published by the Author[CC-BY-4.0], 286 pp., ISBN:9781719584463 [pbk] → Website | pdf [open access])


Chapter 1 - A Macroevolutionary Research Program 5
Chapter 2 - Fitting Statistical Models to Data 17
Chapter 3 - Introduction to Brownian Motion 48
Chapter 4 - Fitting Brownian Motion 72
Chapter 5 - Multivariate Brownian Motion 90
Chapter 6 - Beyond Brownian Motion 106
Chapter 7 - Models of discrete character evolution 130
Chapter 8 - Fitting models of discrete character evolution 143
Chapter 9 - Beyond the Mk model 160
Chapter 10 - Introduction to birth-death models 177
Chapter 11 - Fitting birth-death models 196
Chapter 12 - Beyond birth-death models 226
Chapter 13 - Characters and diversification rates 245
Chapter 14 - What have we learned from the trees? 263


References 269