『Archaeology as a Process: Processualism and Its Progeny』

Michael J. O'Brien, R. Lee Lyman, and Michael Brian Schiffer

(2005年,The University of Utah Press,Salt Lake City, x+350 pp., ISBN:0874808170

第1章「The “Old” Archaeology」(pp. 8-35)をやっと読了.伝統的な〈文化史考古学〉から,1960年台に出現した〈プロセス考古学〉にいたるまでの前夜.Lewis Binford はまだやってこない.口さがない Walter Taylor の糾弾書『A Study of Archeology』(1948)によって,前夜のアメリカ考古学界は揺れる.その余震は40年経っても続いたりする:

Bitter memories sometimes die hard. In 1985, at the fiftieth annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Denver, a panel of distinguished archaeologists reminisced in front of a packed house about how the discipline had changed over the years. Jerry Sabloff, the moderator, innocently asked if any panel members cared to comment on the furor that Taylor's monograph had created forty years earlier. Several panelists made critical remarks, and [James] Griffin, whom Taylor had berated so pointedly, snapped, “Harvard never should have given him a degree.” A few seconds later, Walter Taylor got up from his seat. which was toward the front of the ballroom, walked down the aside, and left the room. He never again attended an SAA meeting. Taylor was seventy-two, and Griffin, eighty. (p. 31)



—— 続く第2章「A New Perspective in Arch(a)eology」は Binford が舞台に登場する第一夜.はたして〈指輪〉はいずこに.