Elliott Sober (ed.)
(2006年9月刊行予定,The MIT Press[A Bradford Book],ISBN:0262693380 [paperback])
【目次】I. Fitness
1. The Propensity Interpretation of Fitness(Susan K. Mills and John H. Beatty)
2. The Two Faces of Fitness(Elliott Sober)II. Units of Selection
3. Excerpts from Adaptation and Natural Selection(George C. Williams)
4. Levels of Selection: An Alternative to Individualism in Biology and the Human Sciences(David Sloan Wilson)III. Adaptationism
5. The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm: A Critique of the Adaptationist Programme(Stephen Jay Gould and Richard C. Lewontin)
6. Optimization Theory in Evolution(John Maynard Smith)IV. Women in the Evolutionary Process
7. Empathy, Polyandry, and the Myth of the Coy Female(Sarah B. Hrdy)
8. Pre-theoretical Assumptions in Evolutionary Explanations of Female Sexuality(Elisabeth Lloyd)V. Evolutionary Psychology
9. Toward Mapping the Evolved Functional Organization of Mind and Brain(John Tooby and Leda Cosmides)
10. Evolutionary Psychology: A Critique(David J. Buller)VI. Laws in Evolutionary Theory
11. The Evolutionary Contingency Thesis(John H. Beatty)
12. Two Outbreaks of Lawlessness in Recent Philosophy of Biology(Elliott Sober)VII. Reductionism
13. 1953 and All That: A Tale of Two Sciences(Philip Kitcher)
14. Why the Antireductionist Consensus Won't Survive the Case of Classical Mendelian Genetics(C. Kenneth Waters)
15. The Multiple Realizability Argument Against Reductionism(Elliott Sober)VIII. Essentialism and Population Thinking
16. Typological versus Population Thinking(Ernst Mayr)
17. Evolution, Population Thinking, and Essentialism(Elliott Sober)IX. Species
18. A Matter of Individuality(David L. Hull)
19. Choosing Among Alternative "Phylogenetic" Species Concepts(David A. Baum and Michael J. Donoghue)X. Phylogenetic Inference
20. Cases in Which Parsimony and Compatibility Methods Will Be Positively Misleading(Joseph Felsenstein)
21. The Logical Basis of Phylogenetic Analysis(James Farris)XI. Race-Social Construction or Biological Reality?
22. Why There Are No Human Races(Kwame Anthony Appiah)
23. A New Perspective on the Race Debate(Robin O. Andreasen)XII. Cultural Evolution
24. Does Culture Evolve?(Joseph Fracchia and Richard C. Lewontin)
25. Models of Cultural Evolution(Elliott Sober)XIII. Evolutionary Ethics
26. Moral Philosophy as Applied Science(Michael Ruse and Edward O. Wilson)
27. Four Ways of "Biologicizing" Ethics(Philip Kitcher)