『Evolution of the Insects』

David Grimaldi and Michael S. Engel

(2005年6月刊行,Cambridge University Press, ISBN:0521821495

近年,論文集ではない単著で,これだけ包括的な教科書はないと思います.おびただしい数のカラー図版が載っていますので,随所で“眼福”もあり.「xvi+755 pp. / 240×300 mm / 2.92 kg」という巨体は,投げればきっと殺傷力が大きいでしょう(投げるなって).


Section 1. Diversity and Evolution

Species: their nature and number
How many species of insects?
Reconstructing evolutionary history

Section 2. Fossil Insects

Insect fossilization; Dating and ages
Major fossil Insect deposits

Section 3. Arthropods and the Origin of Insects

Onychophora: the velvet-worms
Tardigrada: the water-bears
Arthropoda: the jointed animals
Hexapoda: the six-legged arthropods

Section 4. The insects

Morphology of insects
Relationships among the insect orders

Section 5. Earliest insects

Archaeognatha: the bristletails
Zygentoma: the silverfish

Section 6. Insects Take to the Skies

Pterygota, Wings, and flight
Ephemeroptera: the mayflies
Palaeodictyopterida: extinct beaked insects
Odonatoptera: dragonflies and early relatives

Section 7. The Polyneopterous Orders

Plecoptera: the stoneflies
Embiodea: the webspinners
Zoraptera: the Zorapterans
Orthoptera: the grasshoppers, crickets, and kin
Phasmatodea: the stick- and leaf insects
Titanoptera: the titanic crawlers
Caloneurodea: the Caloneurodeans
Dermaptera: the earwigs
Grylloblattodea: the ice crawlers
Mantophasmatodea: the African rock crawlers
Dictyoptera; Blattodea: the roaches
Citizen roach: the termites
Mantodea: the mantises

Section 8. The Paraneopteran Orders

Psocoptera: the "bark" lice
Phthiraptera: the true lice
Fringe wings: Thysanoptera (thrips)
The sucking bugs: Hemiptera

Section 9. The Holometabola

Problematic fossil orders
The origins of complete metamorphosis
On wings of lace: Neuropterida

Section 10. Coleoptera

Early fossils and overview of past diversity
Strepsiptera: the enigmatic order

Section 11. Hymenoptera

Ants, Bees, and Other Wasps: The Euhymenoptera and parasitism
Aculeata; Evolution of insect sociality

Section 12. Antliophora

Scorpionflies, Flies, and Fleas
Mecopterida: mecopterans and relatives
Siphonaptera: the fleas
Evolution of ectoparasites and blood-feeders
Diptera: the true flies

Section 13. Amphiesmenoptera

The Caddisflies and Lepidoptera
Trichoptera: the caddisflies
Lepidoptera: the moths and butterflies

Section 14. Insects Become Modern

Cretaceous and Tertiary Periods
The Cretaceous
Flowering of the world: the Angiosperm Radiations
Plant sex and insects: insect pollination
Radiations of Phytophagous insects
Austral arthropods: remnants of Gondwana?
Insects, mass extinctions, and the K/T boundary
The tertiary
Mammalian radiations
Pleistocene dispersal and species lifespans
Island faunas

Section 15. Epilogue

Why so many insect species?
The future
