『Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference, Second Edition』

Judea Pearl

(2009年刊行,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, xx+464 pp., ISBN:9780521895606 [hbk] → 版元ページ著者ページ

※2000年に出版された初版の翻訳:Judea Pearl[黒木学訳]『統計的因果推論:モデル・推論・推測』(2009年2月刊行,共立出版,東京,本体価格8,500円,ISBN:9784320018778版元ページ

Preface to the First Edition xv
Preface to the Second Edition xix

1. Introduction to Probabilities, Graphs, and Causal Models 1
2. A theory of Inferred Causation 41
3. Causal Diagrams and the Identification of Causal Effects 65
4. Actions, Plans, and Direct Effects 107
5. Causality and Structural Models in Social Science and Economics 133
6. Simpson’s Paradox, Confounding, and Collapsibility 173
7. The Logic of Structure-based Counterfactuals 201
8. Imperfect Experiments: Bounding Effects and Counterfactuals 259
9. Probability of Causation: Interpretation and Identification 283
10. The Actual Cause 309
11. Reflections, Elaborations, and Discussion with Readers 331
Epilogue: The Art and Science of Cause and Effect 401

Bibliography 429
Name Index 453
Subject Index 459