Julia D. Sigwart
(2018年10月刊行,CRC Press[Series: Species and Systematics], Boca Raton, xvi+241 pp., ISBN:9781498799379 [hbk] → 版元ページ)
Series Preface xi
Acknowledgements xiii
Author xvChapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. General Concepts 7
Chapter 3. Everyone Uses Species 11
Chapter 4. Why Do the Names Keep Changing? 31
Chapter 5. Species Are Units of Evolution 53
Chapter 6. Natural Patterns in Classification 75
Chapter 7. Are Species Real? 101
Chapter 8. How to Name a Species 123
Chapter 9. Biodiversity and Extinction through Time 147
Chapter 10. How Many Species Are There? 171
Chapter 11. Dynamic Patterns in Biodiversity 187
Chapter 12. Translating Biodiversity across Cultural Barriers 209Species and Systematics 233
Index 235