『H.G. Bronn, Ernst Haeckel, and the Origins of German Darwinism: A Study in Translation and Transformation』

Sander Gliboff

(2008年9月刊行, The MIT Press [Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology], xii+259 pp., ISBN:9780262072939 [hbk] → 版元ページ

Acknowledgments xi

Introduction 1

Bronn's Point of View 6
The Squire and the Professor 8
Problems of Translation 13
The Legacy of Idealistic Morphology 15
A Revisionist View of Haeckel 17
Explaining the Haeckel Reception 20
Newer Historiographic Directions 25

1 The Science of Life at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century 29

Wissenshaft 31
The Rule of Law in Biology 32
Kant, Kielmeyer, and Complexity 37
Types of Types, and Goals of Development 40
Scales of Perfection and Recapitulation 44
Meckel on Progress and Diversification 46
The Direction of Development 50
Karl Ernst von Baer as Revolutionary and Reactionary 53
From Embryology to Evolution 57
Conclusion 58

2 H. G. Bronn and the History of Nature 61

Putting Wissenschaft to Work in Paleontology 63
The Principle of Adaptation and the External Causes of Change 67
Accounting for Progress 70
Variation Out of Uniformity 73
Stabilizing Species, and Generating New Ones 76
The Production of Species 78
Bronn's Essay of 1858 80
Bronn on the Laws and Forces of Morphology 83

3 Darwin's Origin 87

Paley and Darwin 89
Paley on Chance and Law 90
Variation Under Domestication and in Nature 97
Chance, Design, and a Manufactory of Species 101
Struggle and Selection, and Explanation 104
Darwin, Development, and Recapitulationism 110
Chance and Necessity in Early Resposes to Darwin's Book 113
Bronn's Book Review 115
A Question of Lifestyle 118

4 Bronn's Origin 123

Bronn's Critique: The Pros 125
... And the Cons 128
Interpretive Issues: The Artificial and the Natural 131
Selection and Perfection 136
Progress and Perfection in Darwinism 139
The Problem of Creation 142
A New Newton of Biology? 146
Conclusion 151

5 Ernst Haeckel as a Darwinian Reformer 155

Haeckel Discovered Darwin 156
Haeckel and Gegenbaur 161
The Stettin Presentation 166
The Hardening of Haeckelism 170
Banishing Teleology: Biology as a Mechanistic Science 172
Balancing Adaptation and Heredity, Creativity and Constraint 174
Recapitulationism Reconsidered 177
Darwinizing Baer 182
The Gastraea Theory 186

Conclusion 189

Darwinism, Old and New 196
Darwinism in the Twentieth Century 199
Translation and Transformation 202

Notes 205
Bibliography 233
Index 249