『Evolution and the Levels of Selection』

Samir Okasha

(2006年12月刊行,Oxford University Press,ISBN:0199267979 [hbk]→版元ページ

目次入力してみて,本書のだいたいの筋書きが見えてきた.2.2.4節で,著者は二つの複数レベル淘汰理論(MLS : multilevel selection theory)を区別している(p. 56).そのちがいは,ある群(collective)とそこに含まれる個物(particle)の包含関係があるときに,いずれに焦点を当てて淘汰プロセスを論じるかのちがいだと著者は言う.「MLS1」とは個物に焦点を当てる複数レベル淘汰理論であるのに対し,「MLS2」とは群に焦点を当てる理論である.本書全体を通じて,この対比が繰り返し登場する.

Acknowledgements v
Introduction 1

1. Natural Selection in the Abstract 10

Introduction 10
1.1 Abstract Formulations of Darwinian Principles 13
1.2 Price's Equation 18
1.3 Interpretation of Price's Equation 23
1.4 Statistical versus Causal Decomposition 25
 1.4.1 Random Drift and Causal Decomposition 31
1.5 Price's Equation and the Lewontin Conditions 34

2. Selection at Multiple Levels: Concepts and Methods 40

Introduction 40
2.1 Hierarchical Organization 40
2.2 Selection at Multiple Levels : Key Concepts 46
 2.2.1 Particle Characters and Collective Characters 48
 2.2.2 Life Cycles 49
 2.2.3 Particle Fitness and Collective Fitness 53
 2.2.4 The Two Types of Multi-Level Selection 56
 2.2.5 Particle Heritability and Collective Heritability 59
2.3 Price's Equation in a Hierarchical Setting 62
 2.3.1 The Price's Approach to MLS1 62
 2.3.2 Applications 66
 2.3.3 Heritability in MLS1 Revisited 71
 2.3.4 The Price Approach to MLS2 74

3. Causality and Multi-level Selection 76

Introduction 76
3.1 Causes, Correlations, and Cross-Level By-Products 76
3.2 Selection on Correlated Characters 80
3.3 Cross-Level By-Products in MLS1 84
 3.3.1 Contextual Analisys : Further Remarks 89
3.4 Contextual Analysis versus Price's Equation 93
3.5 Cross-Level By-Products in MLS2 100
 3.5.1 Particle → Collective By-Products 100
 3.5.2 Collective → Particle By-Products 107

4. Philosophical Issues in the Levels of Selection Debate 112

Introduction 112
4.1 Emergence and Additvity 112
 4.1.1 The Emergent Character Requirement 112
 4.1.2 Additivity and the Wimsatt / Lloyd Approach 114
 4.1.3 Emergent Relations and the Damuth-Heisler Approach 119
4.2 Screening Off and the Levels of Selection 121
4.3 Realism versus Pluralism about the Levels of Selection 125
 4.3.1 Pluralism and Causality 128
 4.3.2 Pluralism and Hierarchical Organization 130
 4.3.3 Pluralism and Multiple Representations 133
4.4 Reductionism 139

5. The Gene's Eye View and its Discontents 143

Introduction 143
5.1 The Origins of Gene's-Eye Thinking 143
5.2 Genic Selection and the Gene's-Eye View : Process versus Perspective 146
5.3 Outlaws and Genetic Conflicts 149
5.4 Price's Equation versus Contextual Analysis Revisited 154
5.5 Bookkeeping and Causality 158
 5.5.1 The Limits of Genic Accounting 158
 5.5.2 Sober and Leqontin's Heterosis Argument 162
5.6 Context-Dependence and the Gene's-Eye View 166
5.7 Reductionism and Plurarism Revisited 169

6. The Group Selection Controversy 173

Introduction 173
6.1 Origins of the Group Selection Controversy 174
6.2 Group Selection and the MLS1 / MLS2 Distinction 178
6.3 Kin Selection, Reciprocal Altruism, and Evolutionary Game Theory 180
6.4 Maynard Smith versus Sober and Wilson on Group Heritability 185
6.5 The Averaging Fallacy 189
6.6 Random versus Assortative Grouping, Strong versus Weak Altruism 192
6.7 Contextual Analysis versus the Neighbour Approach 198

7. Species Selection, Clade Selection and Macroevolution 203

Introduction 203
7.1 Origins of Species Selection 203
7.2 Genuine Species Selection versus ‘Causation from Below’ 206
7.3 Species versus Avatars : Damuth's Challenge 210
7.4 The Concept of Clade Selection 212

8. Levels of Selection and the Major Evolutionary Transitions 218

Introduction 218
8.1 The Transformation of the Levels-of-Selection Question 219
8.2 Genic versus Hierarchical Approaches to the Transitions 225
8.3 MLS1 versus MLS2 in Relation to Evolutionary Transitions 229
8.4 Michod on Fitness Decoupling and the Emergence of Individuality 233
8.5 Concluding Remarks 236

Bibliography 241
Index 257