『Systematics as Cyberscience: Computers, Change, and Continuity in Science』

Christine Hine

(2008年3月刊行,The MIT Press[Series: Inside Technology],320 pp.,ISBN:9780262083713 [hbk] → 目次版元ページ


筆者の主たる関心は,生物体系学という自然科学の中でも最も古い歴史をもつ自然科学の研究者コミュニティが,コンピュータやインターネットなどの「ICTs(=Information and Communication Technologies)」の急速な浸透を通じて,科学としての姿をどのように変貌させていったかという点にある.単に,体系学者が「ICTs」をツールとしてどのように利用しているかだけではなく,そのような情報ツールが逆に産み出す新たな研究活動の場や需要その他の現世的御利益をも含め考えようとする.


第1章「Introducing the Study of a Cyberscience」(pp. 1-17)は,本書全体の内容紹介をすると同時に,いくつかのキー・コンセプトの導入をはかる.その中でもとくに論議を呼ぶのは,著者の言う「サイバーサイエンス(cyberscience)」という概念だ.予想される誤解を見越した上で,著者は次のようにこの用語の意味について説明する:

The term cyberscience needs some introduction. Byb using it I do not intend to indicate that there has been a radical shift or discontinuity in the ways in which science is practiced and communicated. Rather, the term is used as a qualitative indicator of the increasingly intimate relationship between scientfic research and ICTs. [……] The term cyberscience demarcates this intimate connection as a site for examination. Just as cyberspace is used to mean a form of space realized through ICTs, so cyberscience implies the realization of science through those technologies. This realization of science includes both the representation of knowledge and practice of research: cyberscience is not just about communicating science, but about ways of doing science as well. [……] As the term cyberspace has been a rallying point to make apparent the reality of the experience of immersion in ICTs, so I would like to use the term cyberscience to mark as notable the extent to which ICTs have come to pervade science. (p. 9)


Systematics has undergone long periods as an unfashionable and sometimes derided practice, but has emerged into the spotlight in the last decade with the growing political prominence of biodiversity conservation. As a discipline systematics has thus had to pay serious attention to its image, and use of technology has played a significant part. A wide range of ICTs has been incorporated into practice within systematics. [……] Without wishing to give too much of the story away, we could say that systematics proves to be a site where belief in technology as an agent of change, and as symbolic of a desire to change, has been particularly apparent. (pp. 10-11)


—— 当の〈TaxaCom〉メーリングリストでも,本書に関するスレッドが今日新たにつくられた.体系学者は科学哲学者や科学論者あるいは科学史研究者によって“観察される”ことにはすでに慣れているが,ただ好きなように解釈されるがままの対象ではないと思う.ヘタを打てばすぐに餌食にしてあげます.