Hysterix: The Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 24(1): 1-140 (2013)
Andrea Cardini and Anna Loy (eds.)
(2013年7月発行,Associazione Teriologica Italiana, Latina, ISSN:0394-1914 → Website | pdf [open access])
こうやって幾何学的形態測定学も “歴史” になっていくんだな.
- Andrea Cardini, Anna Loy - On growth and form in the "computer era": from geometric to biological morphometrics 1
- Dean C Adams, F. James Rohlf, Dennis E. Slice - A field comes of age: geometric morphometrics in the 21st century 7
- Christian Peter Klingenberg - Visualizations in geometric morphometrics: how to read and how to make graphs showing shape changes 15
- Leandro Rabello Monteiro - Morphometrics and the comparative method: studying the evolution of biological shape 25
- P. David Polly, A. Michelle Lawing, Anne-Claire Fabre, Anjali Goswami - Phylogenetic principal components analysis and geometric morphometrics 33
- Christian Peter Klingenberg - Cranial integration and modularity: insights into evolution and development from morphometric data 43
- Philipp Mitteroecker, Philipp Gunz, Sonja Windhager, Katrin Schaefer - A brief review of shape, form, and allometry in geometric morphometrics, with applications to human facial morphology 59
- H. David Sheets, Miriam L. Zelditch - Studying ontogenetic trajectories using resampling methods and landmark data 67
- Michael Lloyd Collyer, Dean C Adams - Phenotypic trajectory analysis: comparison of shape change patterns in evolution and ecology 75
- Sabrina Renaud, Jean-Christophe Auffray - The direction of main phenotypic variance as a channel to evolution: cases in murine rodents 85
- Julien Claude - Log-shaperatios, Procrustes superimposition, elliptic Fourier analysis: three worked examples in R 94
- Philipp Gunz, Philipp Mitteroecker - Semilandmarks: a method for quantifying curves and surfaces 103
- Norman MacLeod, Jonathan Krieger, Kate E. Jones - Geometric morphometric approaches to acoustic signal analysis in mammalian biology 110
- Paul O'Higgins, Nicholas Milne - Applying geometric morphometrics to compare changes in size and shape arising from finite elements analyses 126
- Alistair Robert Evans - Shape descriptors as ecometrics in dental ecology 133