『Phylogeny and Conservation』

Andrew Purvis, John L. Gittleman, and Thomas Brooks (eds.)

(2005年9月刊行,Cambridge University Press,ISBN:0521825024 [hbk] / ISBN:0521532000 [pbk])

1. Phylogeny and conservation (Andy Purvis, John L. Gittleman and Thomas M. Brooks)

Part I. Units and Currencies

2. Molecular phylogenetics for conservation biology (Elizabeth A. Sinclair, Marcos Pérez-Losada and Keith A. Crandall)
3. Species: demarcation and diversity (Paul-Michael Agapow)
4. Phylogenetic units and currencies above and below the species level (John C. Avise)
5. Integrating phylogenetic diversity in the selection of priority areas for conservation: does it make a difference? (Ana S. L. Rodrigues, Thomas M. Brooks and Kevin J. Gaston)
6. Evolutionary heritage as a metric for conservation (Arne Ø. Mooers, Stephen B. Heard and E. Chrostowski)

Part II. Inferring Evolutionary Processes

7. Age and area revisited: identifying global patterns and implications for conservation (Kate E. Jones, Wes Sechrest and John L. Gittleman)
8. Putting process on the map: why ecotones are important for preserving biodiversity (Thomas B. Smith, Sassan Saatchi, Catherine Graham, Hans Slabbekoorn and Greg Spicer)
9. The oldest rainforests in Africa: stability or resilience for survival and diversity? (Jon C. Lovett, Rob Marchant, James Taplin and Wolfgang Küper)
10. Late Tertiary and Quaternary climate change and centres of endemism in the southern African flora (Guy F. Midgley, Gail Reeves and C. Klak)
11. Historical biogeography, diversity and conservation of Australia's tropical rainforest herpetofauna (Craig Moritz, Conrad Hoskin, Catherine H. Graham, Andrew Hugall and Adnan Moussalli)

Part III. Effects of Human Processes

12. Conservation status and geographic distribution of avian evolutionary history (Thomas M. Brooks, J. D. Pilgrim, Ana S. L. Rodrigues and Gustavo A. B. da Fonseca)
13. Correlates of extinction risk: phylogeny, biology, threat and scale (Andy Purvis, Marcel Cardillo, Richard Grenyer and Ben Collen)
14. Mechanisms of extinction in birds: phylogeny, ecology and threats (Peter M. Bennett, Ian P. F. Owens, Daniel Nussey, Stephen T. Garnett and Gabriel M. Crowley)
15. Primate diversity patterns and their conservation in Amazonia (José M. Cardoso da Silva, Anthony B. Rylands, José S. Silva Júnior, Claude Gascon and Gustavo A. B. da Fonseca)
16. Predicting which species will become invasive: what's taxonomy got to do with it? (Julie Lockwood)

Part IV. Prognosis

17. Phylogenetic futures after the latest mass extinction (Sean Nee)
18. Predicting future speciation (Timothy G. Barraclough and T. Jonathan Davies)