『The Arts of the Microbial World: Fermentation Science in Twentieth-Century Japan』目次

Victoria Lee
(2021年12月刊行,The University of Chicago Press[Synthesis], Chicago, viii+325 pp., ISBN:978-0-226-81274-8 [hbk] → 版元ページ


INTRODUCTION —— Microbe History 1
1 SAKE AND SHŌYU —— Remaking Mold Cultures 15
2 NUTRITION —— No Longer a Land of Plenty 51
3 NATION —— Asia’s Microbial Gardens and Japanese Knowledge 89
4 ALCOHOL —— Empire in Practice 125
5 ANTIBIOTICS —— Domesticating Penicillin 147
6 FLAVOR —— To Screen for Gifts 173
CONCLUSION —— The Science of Modern Life 207

Acknowledgments 217
Notes 221
Bibliography 273
Index 317