Melinda Baldwin
(2015年8月刊行, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, viii+309 pp., ISBN:978-0-226-26145-4 [hbk] / ISBN:978-0-226-26159-1 [e-book] → 版元ページ)
Citations and Abbreviations vii
A Note to the Reader 1
Introduction: Who Is a “Scientist”? 4
Chapter One: Nature’s Shifting Audience: 1869–1875 21
Chapter Two: Nature’s Contributors and the Changing of Britain’s Scientific Guard: 1872–1895 48
Chapter Three: Defining the “Man of Science” in Nature 74
Chapter Four: Scientific Internationalism and Scientific Nationalism 100
Chapter Five: Nature, Interwar Politics, and Intellectual Freedom 123
Chapter Six: “It Almost Came Out on Its Own”: Nature under L. J. F. Brimble and A. J. V. Gale 145
Chapter Seven: Nature, the Cold War, and the Rise of the United States 170
Chapter Eight: “Disorderly Publication”: Nature and Scientific Self-Policing in the 1980s 200
Conclusion 228
Acknowledgments 243
Notes 247
Bibliography 285
Index 301