Mark A. Ragan
(2023年7月刊行、Oxford University Press, Oxford, xx+831 pp., ISBN:978-0-19-764303-7 [hbk] → 版元ページ)
生物高次分類体系の歴史をたどった大著。850ページの鈍器本。旧知の著者から送ってもらった。Thanks, Mark!
Plate ii
Epigraph v
Illustrations xiii
Preface xv
Acknowledgement: copyrighted material xix
1 The earliest Nature 1
2 Eastern Nature 14
3 Philosophical Nature 24
4 Utilitarian Nature 48
5 Neoplatonic Nature 59
6 Christian Nature 75
7 Islamic and Jewish Nature 91
8 Monastic and scholastic Nature 114
9 Nature’s mystic book 136
10 Allegory, myth, and superstition 162
11 The return of the zoophytes 173
12 Plants and animals 188
13 The most wretched creatures 210
14 Continuity in the living world 223
15 Classifying God’s handiwork 243
16 Beyond the end of the Chain 265
17 From histoire naturelle to anatomie and morphologie 289
18 Naturphilosophie, polygastric animalcules, and cells 311
19 Green matter, zoospores, and diatoms 335
20 Temples of Nature 355
21 Ernst Haeckel and Protista 379
22 Beyond three kingdoms 411
23 Genes, genomes, and domains 432
Appendix: Victorian popular natural histories 451
Acronyms 453
Notes 455
References 637
Index of Persons 777
Index of Subjects 803