Louis Agassiz(Edited by Edward Lurie)
(2004年7月刊行,Dover Publications,xxxiv+268 pp., ISBN:0486435806 [pbk] → 版元ページ)
原本のコピーをもっていたので買いそびれていた.次号(5月号)の『本』連載記事(第11回目)の舞台となるハーヴァード大学比較動物学博物館(MCZ)は,昔から進化学では数多くの逸材を輩出してきたミュージアムだった.しかし,もともと MCZ は,反進化論を高らかに掲げた Louis Agassiz が若手動物分類学者の練成のための“道場”として造ったものだ.
その Agassiz が一般分類学の哲学を論じた『Essay on Classification(分類論)』は,1857年にアメリカで出版され,その2年後の1859年,くしくも『種の起源』が出たのと同じ年にロンドンで改訂版が出版された.この改訂版は,Agassiz 論で学位を取り,のちに大きな Agassiz 伝を著した Edward Lurie の手によって1962年に復刻された.上記の Dover 版はこの1962年本のリプリントだ.Lurieによる詳細な解説記事が最初に載っている.
Editor's Introduction [Edward Lurie] ix
A Note on the Text xxxivChapter I. The Fundamental Relations of Animals to One Another and to the World in Which They Live as the Basis of the Natural System of Animals
Section I. The Leading Features of a Natural Zoological System Are All Founded in Nature 3
Section II. Simultaneous Existence of the Most Diversified Types under Identical Circumstances 13
Section III. Repetition of Identical Types under the Most Diversified Circumstances 18
Section IV. Unity of Plan in Otherwise High Diversified Types 20
Section V. Correspondence in the Details of Structure in Animals Otherwise Entirely Disconnected 21
Section VI. Various Degrees and Different Kinds of Relationship among Animals 24
Section VII. Simultaneous Existence in the Earliest Geological Periods of All the Great Types of Animals 26
Section VIII. The gradation of Structure among Animals 29
Section IX. Range of the Geographical Distribution of Animals 34
Section X. Identity of Structure of Widely Distributed Types 40
Section XI. Community of Structure among Animals Living in the Same Regions 46
Section XII. Serial Connection in the Structure of Animals Widely Scattered upon the Surface of Our Globe 49
Section XIII. Relation between the Size of Animals and Their Structure 54
Section XIV. Relations between the Size of Animals and the Mediums in Which They Live 56
Section XV. Permanency of Specific Peculialities in All Organized Beings 58
Section XVI. Relations between Animals and Plants and the Surrounding World 65
Section XVII. Relations of Individuals to One Another 72
Section XVIII. Metamorphoses of Animals 76
Section XIX. Duration of Life 89
Section XX. Alternate Generations 91
Section XXI. Succession of Animals and Plants in Geological Times 94
Section XXII. Localization of Types in Past Ages 99
Section XXIII. Limitation of Species to Particular Geological Periods 101
Section XXIV. Parallelism between the Geological Succession of Animals and Plants and Their Present Relative Standing 104
Section XXV. Parallelism between the Geological Succession of Animals and the Embryonic Growth of Their Living Representatives 110
Section XXVI. Prophetic Types among Animals 115
Section XXVII. Parallelism between the Structural Gradation of Animals and Their Embryonic Growth 117
Section XXVIII. Relations between the Structure, the Embryonic Growth, the Geological Succession, and the Geographical Distribution of Animals 119
Section XXIX. Mutual Dependence of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms 122
Section XXX. Parasitic Animals and Plants 123
Section XXXI. Combinations in Time and Space of Various Kinds of Relations among Animals 127
Section XXXII. Recapitulation 132Chapter II. Leading Groups of the Existing Systems of Animals
Section I. Great Types or Branches of the Animal Kingdom 139
Section II. Classes of Animals 148
Section III. Orders among Animals 155
Section IV. Families 161
Section V. Genera 169
Section VI. Species 171
Section VII. Other Natural Divisions among Animals 179
Section VIII. Successive Development of Characters 182
Section IX. The Categories of Analogy 187
Section X. Conclusions 194Chapter III. Notice of the Principal Systems of Zoology
Section I. General Remarks upon Modern Systems 197
Section II. Early Attempts to Classify Animals 208
Section III. Period of Linnaeus 210
Section IV. Period of Cuvier and Anatomical Systems 215
Section V. Physiophilosophical Systems 235
Section VI. Embryological Systems 245
Index 261