『Panbiogeography: Tracking the History of Life』

Robin C. Craw, John R. Grehan, and Michael J. Heads

(1999年刊行,Oxford University Press[Oxford Biogeography Series, No.11], New York, viii+229pp., ISBN:0195074416 [hbk])

見出しをざっと見た感じでは、「意外にイケるかも」という感触です。かつて、Leon Croizat の著作群に痛めつけられた私から見れば、本書は「天国」ですね。そのまま"涅槃"にとどまれるかどうかは、読んでみなければわかりませんが。汎生物地理学ははじめてという読者には、実例が数多く含まれるこの本はたいへん重宝すると思います。一連の特殊なキーワードの説明を知るだけでも役に立つでしょう。一方で、Croizat の著作を手にとる人が今まで以上に少なくなるのではと私は危惧します。[2000年1月14日記/2014年4月14日改]

Acknowledgments v

1. What is panbiogeography 3

1.1 A Darwinian dilemma
1.2 Panbiogeography, dispersal, and vicariance
1.3 Panbiogeographic method
1.4 Conclusions

2. Life as a geological layer: Panbiogeography and the earth sciences 30

2.1 Pleistocene or earlier?
2.2 Fossil evidence
2.3 Geological and biogeographical correlation
2.4 Insular distribution
2.5 Conclusions

3. Ecology, history, and the panbiogeography of Africa 64

3.1 Regional biogeography of Africa
3.2 Tracks and baselines of African biota
3.3 African biogeography and ecological lag
3.4 Ecoclines and ecophyletic series
3.5 African biodiversity
3.6 Conclusions

4. Mapping the trees of life: Panbiogeography, phylogenetic systematics, and evolutionary processes 88

4.1 Geographical distribution as a systematic character
4.2 Predicting phylogenetic relationships from biogeographic data
4.3 Biogeography and character recombination
4.4 Vicariant form-making and evolutionary constraints
4.5 Conclusions

5. Tracking the trees of life: Line, map, and matrix 115

5.1 Representations of geographic space in biogeography
5.2 Graphical representation in biogeography
5.3 Quantitative track analysis
5.4 Conclusions

6. Towards a new regional biogeography: The revival of biogeographical classification 145

6.1 Spatial logic and homology in biogeography and the earth sciences
6.2 Case study: Transpacific tracks and the geological history of the Americas
6.3 Conclusions

7. Tracks, nodes, biodiversity, and conservation 163

7.1 Biodiversity as biogeography
7.2 Mapping and tracking biodiversity
7.3 Tracks and nodes in conservation biology

Glossary of Technical Terms 180
References 182
Index 221