『The Deep Structure of Biology: Is Convergence Sufficiently Ubiquitous to Give a Directional Signal?』

Simon Conway Morris (ed.)

(2008年5月刊行,Templeton Foundation Press, West Conshohocken,x+243 pp.,ISBN:9781599471389 [pbk] → 版元ページ

編者の前著 Simon Conway Morris『Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe』(2003年刊行,Cambridge University Press,ISBN:0521827043 [hbk] / ISBN:0521603250 [pbk]→目次目次|サイモン・コンウェイ・モリス[遠藤一佳・更科功訳]『生命の選択肢講談社[近刊予定……])を受けて,宇宙レベルでの“収斂”についての論文集.

Michael Ruse をはじめ有名人がずらっと並んでいるが,本書の版元がキリスト教原理主義やID運動と絡んでよく登場するあのテンプルトン財団であることにまず注意したい.『Life's Solution』の最終章が宗教的意味を帯びていることと関係があるのかな.

Introduction (Simon Conway Morris) vii
1. Chance and Necessity in Evolution (Richard E. Lenski) 3
2. Convergent Evolution: A Periodic Table of Life? (George McGhee) 17
3. Life's Evolutionary History: Is It Determinate or Indeterminate? (Karl J. Niklas) 32
4. Evolution and Convergence: Some Wider Considerations (Simon Conway Morris) 46
5. Aspects of Plant Intelligence: Convergence and Evolution (Anthony Trewavas) 68
6. Convergent Evolution, Serendipity, and Intelligence for the Simple Minded (Nigel R. Franks) 111
7. Canny Corvids and Political Primates: A Case for Convergent Evolution in Intelligence (Nicola S. Clayton and Nathan J. Emery) 128
8. Social and Cultural Evolution in the Ocean: Convergences and Contrasts with Terrestrial Systems (Hal Whitehead) 143
9. The Illusion of Purpose in Evolution: A Human Evolutionary Perspective (Robert A. Foley) 161
10. Purpose in a Darwinian World (Michael Ruse) 178
11. Plumbing the Depths: A Recovery of Natural Law and Natural Wisdom in the Contexts of Debates about Evolutionary Purpose (Celia Deane-Drummond) 195
12. Purpose in Nature: On the Possibility of a Theology of Evolution (John F. Haught) 218
Contributors 233
Index 237