『Haeckel's Embryos: Images, Evolution, and Fraud』

Nick Hopwood
(2015年刊行, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, viii+388 pp., ISBN:9780226046945 [hbk] → 版元ページ


1 Icons of Knowledge 1
2 Two Small Embryos in Spirits of Wine 9
3 Like Flies on the Parlor Ceiling 31
4 Drawing and Darwinism 53
5 Illustrating the Magic Word 69
6 Professors and Progress 89
7 Visual Strategies 107
8 Schematics, Forgery, and the So-Called Educated 127
9 Imperial Grids 145
10 Setting Standards 171
11 Forbidden Fruit 189
12 Creative Copying 201
13 Trials and Tributes 217
14 Scandal for the People 229
15 A Hundred Haeckels 249
16 The Textbook Illustration 263
17 Iconoclasm 281
18 The Shock of the Copy 297

Acknowledgments 303
Abbreviations 307
Notes 309
Works Cited 339
Index 373