Toriyama Sekien[Translated and annotated by Hiroko Yoda and Matt Alt]
(2016年刊行,Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, xvi+320 pp., ISBN:9780486800356 [pbk] → 版元ページ)
以前に国書刊行会から出た:鳥山石燕(高田衛監修|稲田篤信・田中直日編)『画図百鬼夜行』(1992年12月21日刊行,国書刊行会,東京, ii+348 pp., 本体価格7,573円, ISBN:4336033862)より図版が鮮明みたい.横書き右綴じ製本.
Introduction v
The Illustrated Demon Horde's Night Parade 1
The Illustrated Demon Horde from Past and Present 77
More of the Demon Horde from Past and Present 155
A Horde of Haunted Housewares 229
Appendix 307
Acknowledgments 308
Bibliography 309
Index 317