『Reconstructing Evolution : New Mathematical and Computational Advances』

Olivier Gascuel and Mike Steel (eds.)

(2007年6月28日刊行, Oxford University Press, , New York, xxx+318 pp., ISBN:9780199208227 [hbk] → 版元ページ

系統学的多様度とか巨大データセットとかいくつか新しいテーマが論じられている.一昨年に出た:Olivier Gascuel (ed.)『Mathematics of Evolution and Phylogeny』(2005年,Oxford University Press,ISBN:0198566107 [hbk] →目次)の姉妹編と位置づけられる.

Acknowledgements v
Introduction [O. Gascuel and M. Steel] vii
Contents xx
List of Contributors xxvi

I Evolution in populations

1. Trees of genes in populations [J. Felsenstein] 3
2. The evolutionary analysis of measurably evolving populations using serially sampled gene sequences [A. Rodrigo, G. Ewing, A. Drummond] 30

II Models of sequence evolution

3. Modelling the variability of evolutionary processes [O. Gascuel and S. Guindon] 65
4. Phylogenetic invariants [E. Allman and J. Rhodes] 108

III Tree shape, speciation and extinction

5. Some models of phylogenetic tree shape [A. Mooers, L. Harmon, M. Blum, D. Wong, S. Heard] 149
6. Phylogenetic diversity: from combinatorics to ecology [K. Hartmann and M. Steel] 171

IV Trees from subtrees and characters

7. Fragmentation of large data sets in phylogenetic analyses [M. Sanderson, C. Ané, O. Eulenstein, D. Fernández-Baca, J. Kim, M. McMahon, R. Piaggio-Talice] 199
8. Identifying and defining trees [S. Grünewald and K. Huber] 217

V From trees to networks

9. Split networks and reticulate networks [D. Huson] 247
10. Hybridization networks [C. Semple] 277

Index 315