
Hamilton P. Traub

(1964年刊行,The American Plant Life Society, La Jolla, 163 pp. with corrigenda 2 pp., Limited First Edition)

ケンタッキーの Raymond Sutton, Jr. Books から着便.植物系統学を独自の視点から体系づけた著作のようだ.タイトルの「lineagics」という耳慣れないことばは「the science of lineages」(p. 62)と定義されている.あえて訳語を付けるなら「リネージ学」だろう.序文によれば,「lineagics」とは「systematic biology」の代わりに著者がむかし編み出したことばとのことだ(p. 3).しかし,中をぱらぱら見ると,それ意外にも linon とか linordination などなどおびただしい新造語がばらまかれている.

Preface 3
Dedication 11

Part I. Introduction

Chapter 1. Chronology ― History of Lineagics 13
Chapter 2. Outline History of Lineagics 23
Chapter ― The Philosophy of Science (Omitted; Will Appear in Complete Text Later)
Chapter 3. Lineagics as an Integrated Science 57

Part II. Basic Lineagics

Chapter 4. Bioevolution: The Major Unifying Principles in Lineagics 71
Chapter 5. Cognatics: Determining Relationships among Lineages 89
Chapter 6. Ordinics: Theoretical Basis for Linordination 93
Chapter 7. Linordination: The Linon (The Base) 104
Chapter 8. Linordination: The Evolution of the Major Phylons (The Roof) 107
Chapter 9. Linordination: The Intermediate Hierarchic Lineages or Phylons 119
Chapter 10. The Preparation of Research Papers in Basic Lineagics 119

Part III. Applied Lineagics

Chapter 11. Ordinics: Principles and Procedures for Liordination in Applied Lineagics 121
Chapter 12. Linordination: The Species and Intermediate Hierarchic Taxa 130
Chapter 13. Linordination: The Phyla of Organisms 131
Chapter 14. Linordination: Composing Monographs, Floras, Faunas and Other Treatises 147

Part IV. Research Methods in Lineagics

Chapter 15. Research Methods in Lineagics 148

Bibliography 151
Index 160

なお,本書に挟み込まれていた正誤表(corrigenda)は,出版元の機関誌 Plant Life, vol. 27: v-vi (1971) に掲載されたもののリプリントとのこと.