Ming-Hui Chen, Lynn Kuo, Paul O. Lewis (eds.)
(2014年5月27日刊行,Chapman & Hall / CRC Press[Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical and Computational Biology], Boca Raton, xxx+365 pp., ISBN:9781466500792 [hbk] → 版元ページ)
List of Figures xiii
List of Tables xxi
Preface xxv
Editors xxvii
Contributors xxix
- Bayesian phylogenetics: methods, computational algorithms, and applications
- Priors in Bayesian phylogenetics
Ying Wang and Ziheng Yang 5- IDR for marginal likelihood in Bayesian phylogenetics
Serena Arima and Luca Tardella 25- Bayesian model selection in phylogenetics and genealogy-based population genetics
Guy Baele and Philippe Lemey 59- Variable tree topology stepping-stone marginal likelihood estimation
Mark T. Holder, Paul O. Lewis, David L. Swofford, and David Bryant 95- Consistency of marginal likelihood estimation when topology varies
Rui Wu, Ming-Hui Chen, Lynn Kuo, and Paul O. Lewis 113- Bayesian phylogeny analysis
Sooyoung Cheon and Faming Liang 129- Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) for Bayesian phylogenetics
Alexandre Bouchard-Côté 163- Population model comparison using multi-locus datasets
Michal Palczewski and Peter Beerli 187- Bayesian methods in the presence of recombination
Mary K. Kuhner 201- Bayesian nonparametric phylodynamics
Julia A. Palacios, Mandev S. Gill, Marc A. Suchard, and Vladimir N. Minin 229- Sampling and summary statistics of endpoint-conditioned paths in DNA sequence evolution
Asger Hobolth and Jeffrey L. Thorne 247- Bayesian inference of species divergence times
Tracy A. Heath and Brian R. Moore 277
Bibliography 319
Index 359